Monday, July 26, 2010

Women Need to Pamper Themselves

I'm not amazed at how many women weekly say “TGIF”! Sometimes there are just those weeks where there is never enough time to get everything done that needs to get done, and our weekends are booked with catching up on the things that we didn’t have time to get done during the week.  So WHAT IF, instead of running crazy your entire week or weekend you spent just ONE HOUR of “me time”.

Ok, so here is what this involves:

•First, you let everyone in the house hear loud and clear that you are going to take 1 hour to yourself. You have heard the old saying, “If mamma ain’t happy, then no one’s happy”? Well, no truer words were ever spoken. You inform all the children…yes, including the husband who can be the biggest child of all when it comes to being a little needy, that unless there is blood, they are to leave you alone. No phone calls, no “mommy I’m hungry”, no “honey where are my socks”, nada! This is your tiny slice of heaven and you are absolutely not to be disturbed.  Better yet, let dad take them all to the playground or out for ice cream.

•Next, you light candles and put the all around your tub. Now, I don’t know what it is about candles, but they make “me time” just a bit more exotic, wouldn’t you agree. Round up all the candles you can find. They don’t have to match, this is about you. Light them and put them all around the bathroom.  OR plug in your favorite Scentsy candle, and if you don't know what Scentsy is I have a friend who can hook you up with one of these awesome plug-ins!!

•Next, you need music. It doesn’t matter what kind of music, just make sure that it is something that helps you relax. Turn it up loud enough to drown out the kids and the noise if your family is still at home.
•Now, using your BeautiControl Skinlogics products, remove all your makeup and put on your favorite mask. We have so many to choose from, so pick the one that best fits what you are looking.  You can detox or you can hydrate and if you want to use one of ours I'll help.
•Now, fill the tub with water and pour in your favorite bath additive: Detoxifying Bath Soak or Therapeutic Bath Minerals from BC are my favorites!!

•Next, get your favorite scrub:  mine is the Luxuries of the Sea Salt Glow.  LOVE IT!!! or try the BC Spa Manicure Scrub.  We use it mostly on hands but it works great no the body too!

•Now, turn off the lights, get in the tub, relax and completely turn off your brain. No job, no kids, no stock market, nothing! Let yourself think of absolutely nothing!

I promise you, when you emerge from your momentary hibernation, you will be so renewed, refreshed and revitalized that you family will not recognize you.

Family Spa Time
So, do we have a deal? Just one hour to a new you. Oh yeah, there’s one more thing. After you take your moment of relaxation, come back and post some of your favorite ways to “escape” with your favorite spa treatments.  I'd love to hear from you.   And if you really enjoyed this time, think about a Spa Escape with a few friends - what a great way to chill with a glass of wine for an hour some evening. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Life's a Beach Spa Time

  I had the opportunity to get together with several of my cousins over the weekend.  Many cousins whom I hadn't seen for a very long time, and the reality is, it seems like the only times we see each other any more is at funerals.  So I asked one of them (Micah) if she'd like to have a family spa to celebrate her mom's birthday and she said yes!  We have so many great theme spas like the Margarita Spa or the Wine & Cheese Spa; I forget sometimes about spas for special occasions:  birthdays, baby & bridal showers, girls night out with friends who haven't been here for awhile, mother/daughter spa.  You truly can make a spa out of anything. 
  My cousins were especially loving the special spa socks.  Well, not really that special, but special because they say "SPA" on them and just having a pair or two of these help remind us that we need to take time to spa ourselves.  Trust me, these girls didn't have any problem relaxing, laughing and having a good time as evidenced by the pictures.  BeautiControl - thank you for giving me a business I love, products that work, and a reason to get together with friends & family that is a celebration. Life is too short not to enjoy one another; BC spas help celebrate life!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Great ideas for spa nights

   The ideas for spas are ENDLESS.   Sometimes I think we just get in a rut; and the truth is, there are so many different types of home parties out there.  Often as consultants we think "oh do thy really want to come to another party".  Truth is - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!!    As evidenced by this video, when you put  little creativity to work and just play, who wouldn't want to come to a spa!
  This idea is priceless.    I know little girl parties are all over the place, and I used to stray away from these.  But if you can find a mom who wants to pay to put together a little gift bag the sky is the limit.  
  Enjoy watching the video, and let your imagination run wild in what you could do with this.  BeautiControl is getting to be known out there in the marketplace - FINALLY, after all these years.!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Team Rallies Rock

  My husband has come to know that Monday nights around the Wiemann home is "team time."  He knows the routine.  He gets home from work, helps me move around a few chairs, cleans up the kitchen and picks up after me (because I'm the clutter bug of the kitchen).  He's a trooper.  This Monday night I put him to work helping me put together kabobs for our annual July BBQ and salad potluck.  I have to say, they were awesome!!!  Fresh veggies and pineapple with chicken all marinaded in a teriyaki sauce.  YUM!
  And just as good as the food was, the company and friendships are even better.  How can you not smile and be so happy for women like:
- Nicki V who just became a VIP and this extra income means a lot to her young family of 7!
- Debbie L who sold over $1100 last month and needs that additional cash flow as a homeowner.
- Jennifer W who just joined our team and already has a huge WHY - to earn a mustang for her husband to drive!
- Wendy S who is single and doing BC full-time after she lost her job and has 7 appointments on her calendar already for July!
- Alisa H who sold over $1400 last month and as a single mom of 3 BC is helping provide day-to-day necessities she NEEDS, not just wants.
- Dolores A who drives all the way from Davenport to attend our Des Moines meetings and is 72 and still works full-time doing childcare but loves selling BeautiControl for fun because she loves the products.
- New Consultant Helen W who sold 3 Instant Facelift Sets and is excited about her new little business.
  All of these women are doing BeautiControl for different reasons.  Each one of them has faced rejection and fears and is pushing beyond those things to reach women and pamper them with our in-home spa and our great BeautiControl products.  And I get to be a little piece of each one of their lives.  I love it.
  A few of us head to Dallas later this month for our annual convention.  Always a time of getting to know one another and this business better.  Always a real treat and so inspirational.  
 We'll be bringing back lots of treats and exciting news for our August Team Rally.   And of course, we'll eat and talk about spa.  In the meantime, it's going to be a great July so check out our team website for our July calendar!
 It's late, and I haven't had much sleep tonight....better catch a little zzzzs.