Saturday, August 27, 2011


Celebrating BC Color - and fun team time!
  This fall I'm looking forward to helping other women learn what it's like to be a BC Spa Girl, and I can't wait.  Living in this great country gives us SO many opportunities, sometimes almost too many, and I think we often want things to happen easily and not have to work for them.  I grew up on a farm, so I knew what it was like to work hard.   I helped with chores on the farm, fed the summer field help while my mom was at work, babysat to make money, and had to buy my own clothes and pay for all my own school activities because depending on the year and if farming was down or up my family didn't have a lot of money.
  That's one of the things I love about BeautiControl - it's continued to show me the rewards of working hard, the self-satisfaction of a job well done, and the blessing of showing many, many others the same.  Who would have thought that I'd still be doing it 21 years later.  I've had other opportunities, and haven't always had this as my full-time job but I guess I've learned that I've become a role model for many through my leadership role with BC.   I've had lots of role models in my life too - some personally and some simply through reading their books and learning from their lives.
   We had the wonderful opportunity recently to listen to the family of Coach Ed Thomas (the Parkersburg, Iowa coach who was shot and killed in May of 2009).  A new book called "Sacred Acre" tells the story of this remarkable man and how his attitude and his integrity made such a difference in the town's recovery from a devastating E5 tornado in 2008; and how his family was influenced by Ed's faith and leadership during his too-short life.  Ed believed that his life was not just about teaching kids football; but it was about teaching them how to do life.  I'd encourage you to read the book- it's excellent!
  This is what I believe about BeautiControl.  I don't look at myself as just a woman doing spas to make money.  I look at "doing spas" as an opportunity to build relationships and influence both my clients and my team members by the life I lead.  It's a beautiful gift I've been given, and it's so rewarding when I see others on my team do their businesses in the same way.   It's a trickle-down effect; one that I feel very called to do. I had the fun opportunity to be filmed by BeautiControl this past summer.  Four hours of videotaping and this was the output--very fun to share with you!
  Will you join me this fall in making a difference in others' lives.  Yea, we can make a difference by helping women feel better about their skin and makeup - love that too!  But more importantly when you use the platform BeautiControl has given us to help you be all that God wants you to be and to help others be all they are to be it just doesn't get any better than that!