Saturday, August 27, 2011


Celebrating BC Color - and fun team time!
  This fall I'm looking forward to helping other women learn what it's like to be a BC Spa Girl, and I can't wait.  Living in this great country gives us SO many opportunities, sometimes almost too many, and I think we often want things to happen easily and not have to work for them.  I grew up on a farm, so I knew what it was like to work hard.   I helped with chores on the farm, fed the summer field help while my mom was at work, babysat to make money, and had to buy my own clothes and pay for all my own school activities because depending on the year and if farming was down or up my family didn't have a lot of money.
  That's one of the things I love about BeautiControl - it's continued to show me the rewards of working hard, the self-satisfaction of a job well done, and the blessing of showing many, many others the same.  Who would have thought that I'd still be doing it 21 years later.  I've had other opportunities, and haven't always had this as my full-time job but I guess I've learned that I've become a role model for many through my leadership role with BC.   I've had lots of role models in my life too - some personally and some simply through reading their books and learning from their lives.
   We had the wonderful opportunity recently to listen to the family of Coach Ed Thomas (the Parkersburg, Iowa coach who was shot and killed in May of 2009).  A new book called "Sacred Acre" tells the story of this remarkable man and how his attitude and his integrity made such a difference in the town's recovery from a devastating E5 tornado in 2008; and how his family was influenced by Ed's faith and leadership during his too-short life.  Ed believed that his life was not just about teaching kids football; but it was about teaching them how to do life.  I'd encourage you to read the book- it's excellent!
  This is what I believe about BeautiControl.  I don't look at myself as just a woman doing spas to make money.  I look at "doing spas" as an opportunity to build relationships and influence both my clients and my team members by the life I lead.  It's a beautiful gift I've been given, and it's so rewarding when I see others on my team do their businesses in the same way.   It's a trickle-down effect; one that I feel very called to do. I had the fun opportunity to be filmed by BeautiControl this past summer.  Four hours of videotaping and this was the output--very fun to share with you!
  Will you join me this fall in making a difference in others' lives.  Yea, we can make a difference by helping women feel better about their skin and makeup - love that too!  But more importantly when you use the platform BeautiControl has given us to help you be all that God wants you to be and to help others be all they are to be it just doesn't get any better than that! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oprah's Influence Will Continue to Inspire

   I have never spent a whole lot of time watching Oprah.  In fact, quite honestly, I've never really understood the whole Oprah craze.  However, I do know that I really wanted to watch her final 3 shows and so thanks to my new DVR I was able to record to watch later.
   Never before have I taken notes when I watched a talk show.   But I did on Wednesday night.   And her words were inspiring and in direct relationship with why I do what I do.  Because what I heard her say was things like "you are directly responsible for your life" and "you need to discover your calling and get to the business of doing it" and "what is God whispering to you?" and "live out of the heart of yourself".  Now maybe her writers wrote these things, but I would venture to guess that on this her last show she did truly speak from her heart.   And as I told my husband, no, I am not putting her on a pedestal nor am I idolizing her, what I am doing is acknowledging her and appreciative for the many lives that she did inspire to be better men, women, and children and to influence others.  
   I have believed that in myself for years.  Through the platform of BeautiControl that I was presented nearly 21 years ago, as well as the church our family helped plant 13 years ago I am grateful that I've been able to become a woman of influence.  God called me out and I've taken what I do daily very seriously.  Whether it's teaching my children (who are now grown), or  teaching women how to spa and how to become self-employed and to believe in themselves, or showing women how to take care of themselves what I do is SO MUCH MORE than sell skincare and makeup.  What I always do is try to get into their lives a bit.  Sometimes I'm able to do that more than others.  Many women have walls; many women come to a party simply thinking that the consultant is just trying to sell them something.  Many women start this business and very quickly decide they don't want to work that hard and that they want it to come easily.  The same thing happens in bible studies and womens' groups.   Some decide to take the journey for the long haul; others throw in the towel quickly and go back to old ways and old habits and old narratives.  I'm always disappointed for them on what they may miss out on but such is life whether parenting, being a wife, or being a business owner.  That's where prayer and faith come into play as well because I am not the one to control (even though heaven knows I've certainly tried to do that way too many times).   Your will be done.........
   Thank you Oprah for inspiring me today.   Thank you for your words in sharing your faith in God/Jesus and thank you God for using some of the things she said on her last show to move me to some new action today because I realized that I had recently been waiting for someone to fix or change a current situation I'm dealing with and her words encouraged me to move forward instead of sitting in the state of inactivity and blame.
   May God bless you in your new endeavors Oprah.  You are a woman of influence.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What a Powerful Why Can Do

   21 years ago when I started as a direct sales consultant with BeautiControl I had a big dream.  My dream was to quit my job to stay home with our two children.  At that time my husband was working as a construction worker, probably making about $6/hour.  We had a stack of medical bills, a daughter with juvenile diabetes that required a lot of monthly medical expense, and no money in savings.   But I kept dreaming, and I never gave up.
   Now after all these years I get to sow into women of all ages who still have big dreams.  And it excites me to help women set their goals and then go for them.  For some it's an extra $50 a month; for others it's much more.  My dreams have changed considerably.  I still desire to stay home, but now our beautiful home that we built four years ago is my "WHY".   We're creating a backyard oasis, and if it weren't for BC, this project would definitely not be possible.  Knowing that we still have a bridge to build, plants to plant, and lots of fun other house projects keeps me motivated and gives me a reason to get on the phone scheduling spas, working with team members and taking reorders.   
   What is your why?   Do you have a clear vision on what you plan on doing with your spa money?  Maybe it's to pay for college, or to make a car payment, or a mortgage payment, or to pay medical bills.  Or maybe it's to have girlfriend time away from home.  Whatever the reason, don't give up on the dream.  With hard work, persistence, and with God's will great things can happen to you too!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Life is never dull

   Life is never dull if you are interacting with people.   Doesn't matter if it's men or women--we are all uniquely created and the reality is, most of us like to believe that we're right and that we have it all together.   Truth be told, do we??  I certainly don't.
   The older I get the more time I spend trying to live less and less out of my own selfish wants and desires and more into realizing that it really isn't about me.  I was reminded of this again this morning when a young woman called me regarding a relationship issue with another woman.   Her point was that she often feels invisible around people--that she feels like she always has to be the person to reach out and say "hi" or "how are things going with you" or "how would you like to go have lunch".  That she can be kind to someone and then the next time she's around them she feels like she's totally invisible because they won't even acknowledge her presence.  And so of course then the self-pity comes into play of wondering why you even try anyway!
   There are a lot of people who treat me that way too, and when I was younger it bugged me to no end.   But the older I get, and probably the more I've been in the sales field and really studied and led bible studies, I realize that it is I who must reach out.  It is I who must be the first to say hi or introduce myself or shake a hand or give a hug.   And I will do it whether I feel like it or not and whether or not someone will be kind to me in return.  Sometimes there is reciprication and sometimes there isn't.  My husband and I regularly invite guests to our home for dinner, for games, for multiple activities. It is rare that we are invited to someone's home and then I find myself thinking "nobody likes me...what's with that?!?!?  Self pity sets in very easily.
  I was listening to a woman by the name of Julieanne Jones talk about direct sales and how to make home parties fun.   I loved what she said..."change your focus. You are not there for yourself.  It's not all about you!!!  It's about them."   How many years did I go into a party thinking "I need XX in sales" or "I want a recruit" or "I need some bookings".   And her words were a gentle reminder to me once again that you know what "life in general really isn't about me" so I need to get over myself and continue to be kind and loving and caring and hospitable.  Nope, that doesn't mean getting walked all over...because I certainly do have boundaries, but this business has taught me so much about consistently being a sower into others' lives.   The reaping....well, it never ends.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The blessings of this business

A couple of my BC friends
  I am always and forever blessed by the friendships my BC spa business have brought me over the years.  Several weeks ago I was asked if I could do a bridal party spa on a Saturday evening in April.  I don't normally hold spas on weekend evenings - I even told the hostess that.  But business had been a little slow so I said "sure", even though it was a reluctant yes.     When I learned the morning of the spa that there were going to be 16 people I almost wanted to back out, knowing it would be crazy!  "Ugh, another insane spa with everyone partying, probably low sales and I don't wanna go" were my thoughts.
Deb, my dear BC friend
  However, I put on my good attitude and happy face and went to the spa and lo and behold had a wonderful time!  One of my favorite moments was watching three girls in particular take those eye pads and put them on their eyes and practically fall asleep right then and there.  Guest Emma enjoyed it so much that she booked a spa and then quickly emailed me and said "I'd really like to be on your team."  Those words are always fun words to hear!!   The funny thing is that I had thought to myself "Boy I like her and would love to have her on my team"....who knows if I would have ever actually asked her if she hadn't asked me.  Yes, even directors have to fight their fears and internal dialog of being rejected.  Truly her asking to be a part of my team was a gift.
  What I learned over lunch with Emma a few days later is that life has been tough.  She has been chronically ill for years and her husband lost his job last fall and is still looking for a job in quality control.  After a series of experimental treatments she finally had major surgery in January and feels like she has her life back again.   Now Emma wants to give out to others, help her family financially and I very quickly learned that Emma does indeed have much to give.  Her friends at her grand opening spa couldn't say enough about her positive attitude, her stick-to-itness despite major obstacles, and the value of her friendship towards them. And now I get to be a part of her life as well....none of that would have happened had I not agreed to do that Saturday night spa that I didn't want to do.  
  I know I will learn from Emma, and I know that she will learn from her new friends with BeautiControl.    I pray it will be a new lifelong friendship, and I pray this new part-time spa business will bless her family as much as it has mine.  As a dedication to friends here's a great song celebrating friendships.

On another note, team members who love challenges here's your MAY CHALLENGE:
* Hold 4 spas (personal or group) in May and sell $750 for a glitzy new BC t-shirt decal.
* Additionally, be invited to dinner with National Director Nancy Savely on Thurs., May 26 at my home for inspiration and connection with other BC consultants.
* Sell $1000 and receive a t-shirt to go with your bling decal. 

Monday, February 28, 2011


I LOVE LOVE LOVE glamour!  I'm not a big Academy Award fan but I do love watching the Red Carpet event where everyone is all dressed up.   Sandra Bullock and Jennifer Hudson got my votes for their fabulous red gowns this year!  How about you?
  Over the past few months I've found myself wearing more makeup again--partially because I am getting older and there has been a change in my coloring and skin tone; and probably because I really needed a pick-me-up.  In fact, I went back to my natural hair color (which was a crazy shock to my system), but I've received so many compliments on it I guess I'll stick with it for awhile.  Yea, that picture above is me with my natural brown hair color.  I'm blessed not to have a ton of gray so I should only have to "pull out a bottle" every 3 months or so!
  Anyway, glamour is back BIG TIME and that will be our focus with BeautiControl over the next two months.  March team rally we'll be pulling out makeup so come get an update!  I'm labeling March as GET THE LOOK by scheduling BC Facial/Glam spa with 3 friends.  I'm taking out the relaxation segment to focus on the face because a huge part of my reorder business is here.  You can learn how to do a Facial/Glam spa by bringing a couple of friends to my home for Spa with Julie guest nights on the 14th and 21st. 
  Order some of the new lip liners, lip glosses and shimmer shadows.  Play with them yourself.  And remember, if you want to sell makeup, you need to wear makeup!   There is a big reorder business in makeup. 
  AND, mark your calendars for Sat., April 2 from 5:30 - 7:30 at the Briarwood Golf & Country Club for a LITTLE BLACK DRESS event with other directors in our area.  Wine & drinks, hors douvres, and an opportunity to bring guests to get makeovers.   More details on beautinet under EVENTS. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

BC On the Lips of Every Woman

  The temperatures are dropping in Des Moines, Iowa; but inside my home Monday evening it was warm and cozy and we weren't thinking about cold.  I had to squeak through this one with a 3-day bout of laryngitis, but  I always enjoy our team rally.   It's a great time to connect with many of you; for you to connect with each other; to recognize those who are out there doing spas and blessing their families; and just plain fun.
  Last night was no exception.   It was awesome to hear from new VIP, Jenny Buschbom who started in July but just decided in December to jumpstart her business and start doing spas.  Jenny is actually from the Hendricks team (our sister director in Sioux City), and she had over $2600 in sales in January PLUS 3 new team members so she became a VIP.
   We got to spin the "wheel of fortune" and gave away money for those who did spas; we gave away some gifts, we talked about how to sensor friends, family & everyone we know to get BC Spa Facial on the lips of every woman.   And we also talked about sales, and the stigma that many of us have in our brains that selling is annoying or bad.  What great discussion about how selling is influencing; how it's persuasive communication and something we do everyday.  If you want to learn more a magazine and blog that has helped me tremendously in this business is and/or you can read my outline on sales on our team website: where we learned about dealing with the roadblocks in our "inner voice" like fear and lack of self-esteem.
  We ended the night sampling new lip liners and lip glosses and SVIP Debbie Longseth showed us different ways to mix colors.   Then we all decorated lip cookies, and everyone put their own personalities into them!  Even dental hygienist Carolyn DeHoogh had to put teeth on hers! 
  TEAM CHALLENGE FOR FEBRUARY is posted on our team website.   In the next few months I'll be looking for our next Wiemann team director - who will it be? Who wants to take the challenge to build a team and to earn director-level income.   Will it be you?  If you want to get on the Road to Director let me know and I can show you the simple action plan.  JULIE