Tuesday, January 1, 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!   How did you ring in the New Year?? And what are your New Years Day traditions?   We played games with friends New Years Eve and then our tradition on New Years Day is to sort, clean, start preparing tax information and pull old files for the shredding pile.  FUN FUN!   I also spend a couple of days looking through my journals and reflecting on the past year with expectations and thoughts/goals of what I want to accomplish this year.  On my list (along with many other things) in 2013--get my bathroom finished, spend a week of vacation with my siblings and my mom and continue to have fun with my BeautiControl busines.  Love that I can utilize my BC biz for paying monthly bills but also as an incentive for some of those "fun" items.   

Here's some "good news" and updates for team time in January.   I'm always available for talking over the phone or via text and also for coffee/lunch to help you with your business.   

I also want to put in a plug for a couple of new products.  One is the EXTREME TFF eye product.   It's strong--I can tell you that.  When I put it on it tingles like crazy, but as soon as I put on my moisturizer within 2 minutes the tingling is gone.  I have to say I always feel proud when I get together with friends my age who don't use good skincare.   Especially noticeable in the mid 50s is EYE WRINKLES.....and our fabulous products have helped with mine for years.  Try It!!  Or if you don't want to pay the price of the new Extreme TFF Eye #19395 for $65 retail, then order the regular strength one #14213 at $44 retail.  It works awesome too!  Combine the eye product with one of our TFF Face products: #14242 for our regular strength TFF; and #18089 for our triple strength TFF.

Julie Wiemann $2142
Dolores Angerer $1512
Merrilee Hartzer $1295
Karen Schut $1023
Eileen VanKooten Schmitt $917

(Remember to "LIKE" Wiemann Spa Girls on Facebook to get updates and Good News for our team as well.)

Jessica Hasley - Morgan Henderson's team

Monday, Jan 7 at 7 pm - available to do spa training for new consultants (call if you want to come. Must bring 1-3 guests for "models" to train)  RSVP
Friday, Jan 18 at 12:30 RED ROSA - Des Moines BC Lunch open to everyone RSVP
Monday, Jan 21at 6:30 pm at Stomping Grounds Coffee Shop in Ames for all Ames area consultants RSVP please
Saturday, Jan 19 from 9 - 3 pm at Ankeny Marriott   BEAUTI-YOU training for all consultants.  Guests invited.  Must register on beautinet under trainings.  I'm also looking for two helpers - must be a VIP or above.  Contact me if interested!

Alice Beavers               
Julie Cupp                      Peg Curtis                     Michelle Harrison
Carley Hoben                 Margie Kennedy           Stephanie Lee
Erin  McDowell              Mary Rubow                Martha Stearns
Kathryn Thayer             Gina Tipping

LASTLY, you can earn a trip to New York when you recruit in January-February-March so be sure to read your Achiever when it arrives in the next day or two for all the fabulous details.  It's a VERY achievable trip if you want to work for it!!!   Why not try!?!?!?     JULIE